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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Self Introduction

I am afraid of big dogs. I am afraid of them as they have sharp teeth and they can bite people. My grandparents have a big dog. Whenever I go to their house, I would ask their maid to tie the dog for me. And whenever the dog is tied, it would bark loudly. It might be thinking that it is its own house and he had to be tied up because of me.

Last time when I was at my grandparents terrace house, my grandmother went to grow some crops outside her house. When I saw her outside, I went to look at what she was doing eventhough the dog was not tied up. when walking slowly, the dog took one step and I ran to my grandmother as I was really scared. The dog then chase after me and I tried to climb onto her like a monkey. The dog might be thinking that I was playing with him thats why he chased after me.

After that incident, I become even more scared of big dogs. When I see a big dog walking towards me, I would try to avoid it.

I would try to communicate and be friendly to a dog to overcome my fear.

*Blogger posted at 9:16 PM*

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Trip to Australia

This is a picture of me sitting on a trolley and drinking milk. I was about three years old and i was also in Australia. I think I was really thirsty as i was so engrossed in drinking the milk.

While i was drinking my milk, i used my thumb to touch my eyebrown as I felt that my eyebrown is very soft. My mum also told me that everytime when I'm drinking milk, i would always touch my eyebrowns with my thumb.

I'm wearing long sleeve as I felt that it is cold in Australia. If my mother were to join me in this photo, it would be more merrier!

This is the end of my post. Hope you can come to see my blog again. Goodbye!

*Blogger posted at 12:31 AM*

Saturday, January 23, 2010

my new glasses

today, my mother and i went to collect my new glasses at Ghim Moh. I am really happy as i had waited for one week to collect my white glasses.Now,i have two glasses , one is for school and the other is for home. I actually bought my glasses from bras plaza but i collected it from Ghim Moh as the place is nearer to my house. The shop is called Kwong Shin. The company had opened two shops in singapore.

A few years ago went i went to the shop to buy my brother's glasses, the shop was packed with people. This year when i went there, it still packed with people.I was shocked!

Anyway, i am really happy and i'm going to where it everywhere i go!

*Blogger posted at 6:21 AM*

Friday, January 22, 2010

cca day

My mum woke me up early in the morning at 6:20. I wanted to sleep longer but i had no choice but to wake up. In the morning, i got ready and my mum fetched me to school. Today is cca day.The cca that i'm going to was soccer and i was really exited.

Shortly after i reached my classroom, it started to rain. I was really sad as i would not be able to play soccer today. We were then asked to go to 1n1 classroom. The coach then asked us to write something special about the person sitting beside us and it was quite fun .

After that, we then went to benches outside the staff room and played mini games with a ball. It was fun and i enjoyed myself.

When school was going to end, the teacher in charge asked us if we were interested in joining soccer and I then told her that i would like to go for the soccer trials next Friday. I hope next Friday would not rain and i would be able to go for the soccer trails!

*Blogger posted at 5:28 AM*

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

About myself

My name is Ho Li Xin. Im a student from Henderson Secondary School. I was from Henry Park Primary School. I have an older brother who is going to junior collage this year and he is waiting gor his posting.

My hobbies is to draw and to go to facebook. I knew that i could draw well when I was in primary four. I overheard one of my classmates asking another classmate if he could draw the dragon shown in the Chinese textbook. The other classmate said that it was impossible to draw the dragon so, i wanted to try to draw the dragon. In the end, i succeeded and made a beautiful drawing of the dragon.

I love to sleep! when i am feeling tired in the afternoon, i would sleep for one to two hours. I like to eat italian food. when my mum brings me out, i would ask her to buy lasagna for me to eat.

I dislike lizards, beatles and last but not least, dirty toilets.When i went to China,i discover that there were many dirty toilets. I wish China toilets would be as clean as Singapore toilets.

This is all about myself. Hope you can visit my blog again.

*Blogger posted at 4:49 AM*